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Rector's Page

The Reverend Dr. Allen Hill, Rector


The Rev. Dr. Allen Hill first came to Tallahassee just over a year ago. He followed his wife, the Rev. Deacon Rachel Hill, here when she was appointed Vicar of Grace Mission Church in Frenchtown. Soon thereafter, the position of Chaplain of the Episcopal University Center at FSU opened up and Fr. Allen was asked to take on that role. He has been serving the FSU community and helping at Grace Mission ever since.

Before coming to FSU, Fr. Allen served for over 17 years in cross-cultural ministry as a missionary, first in Asia and then in Latin America. His extensive experience overseas has made him a recognized leader here in the US on issues related to mission, outreach and discipleship.

During his time overseas, the primary focus of Fr. Allen’s ministry was leadership training and formation through theological education. He has a PhD in Theology and a MA in International Education, and served for 13 years as the founding Dean/President of the diocesan seminary of Peru. In that role, he helped raise up numerous priests, deacons, and lay ministers for service throughout the Province of South America.

Fr. Allen also has extensive experience as a parish priest, most notably as Rector of the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd in Lima. At the Cathedral, one of his main emphases was drawing in and ministering to families with young children. He is excited to return to parish ministry and grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the Holy Comforter family.


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