What is the "Vestry"?
The Vestry works together with the Rector to address the temporal concerns of the parish and to further the Church's mission. Its basic responsibilities are to help define and support our goals and priorities; to ensure effective organization and planning; and to manage our resources and finances. The Vestry consists of seven elected, voting members. Two of these serve as Vestry officers, known as the "Senior Warden" and "Junior Warden." In addition, two non-vestry members assist the Vestry in their work in the roles of "Treasurer" and "Clerk."
Vestry members serve for 3 year, staggered terms. Two or three new members are elected by the congregation each year at the Annual Parish Meeting. If you are interested in being nominated to serve, talk to any Vestry member.
Vestry meetings typically occur on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm in the parish workroom. Any members in good standing of Holy Comforter are welcome to attend. The minutes of all vestry meetings are available for all members to see, on request.
Vestry Elections
If you are interested in serving on the Vestry, or if you would like to suggest someone whom you think would make a good candidate, please contact Fr. Allen or one of the current Vestry members. Elections are held once a year at our Annual Parish Meeting.
How many new Vestry members will be elected?
Two or three new vestry members are elected each year to replace those whose terms have come to an end. A term lasts for three years.
Who can be a candidate?
Candidates must be baptized members of the parish in good standing. They are vetted by the Nominating Committee before being approved to stand.
Rick Wagner
Senior Warden
Robert Efthim
Junior Warden
Sterling Luce
Corinne Johnston
Jenna Brown
Patricia Trom
Andy Granger