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What do Stephen Ministers do?
We provide confidential, one-on-one Christian care for individuals who request support. Usually, a Stephen Minister meets with their care receiver for about an hour each week. We pray, listen, empathize, encourage, help process feelings, and connect the person with God’s love. We supplement, but do not replace the pastoral care provided by our clergy.


What’s the biblical basis for Stephen Ministry?
Stephen Ministry draws its name from one of the early Christian leaders, Stephen, who in Acts, Chapter 6, was chosen to care for those in need. We follow in his footsteps, providing Christ’s love to others.

How does Stephen Ministry support the mission of our parish?
At Holy Comforter, we live our faith by serving God and others. Our Stephen Ministry supports our pastoral care team, providing comfort to people within our parish and beyond.

What kinds of life challenges do Stephen Ministers offer care for?
Stephen Ministers provide care for people in the congregation or community who are
experiencing difficulties in life, such as grief, job loss, divorce, major illness, spiritual struggles, and so on. During challenging times, receiving care from a Stephen Minister can make a significant difference.

If I or someone I know might benefit from having a Stephen Minister, what do I do?
If you think Stephen Ministry can help, contact one of our Stephen Leaders. The referral
coordinator will explain how Stephen Ministry works in more detail and determine the best
available Stephen Minister to address the needs.

If I’m interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, what do I do?
Start by praying to see if Stephen Ministry is right for you. As a Stephen Minister, you will be
expected to complete an extensive training program, commit to providing care to those in need, and meet regularly for supervision. When you’re ready, reach out to one of our Stephen Leaders.

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