Cursillo in Christianity
The word "Cursillo" (Kur-see'-yo) is Spanish. It means a short course or little study. It refers to a program of spiritual renewal initiated by the Spanish Roman Catholic Church in the 1940's - it is now international and has been adopted by many denominations.
Its Episcopal form extends into more than 60 dioceses and many thousands of Episcopalians are involved - always under the direction of their Bishops.
It is a retreat setting, yet it is not a retreat. There is no fasting, no long periods of silence, and very little solitude.
It is an experience of Christian Community, but also a time of instruction in the basics of our faith.
It is an instrument of renewal for persons, parishes and dioceses.
It is a launching pad for Christian action in our world.
It is a support system for Christian pilgrims.
It teaches what is fundamental to living Christian life.