Flower Guild

The flower guild’s mission is to glorify God’s house at Holy Comforter with fresh flowers and greenery created by His own handiwork. Guild members design a beautiful flower arrangement for behind the altar every Sunday morning except during the Lenten season. Church members are encouraged to sign up to sponsor the flower arrangement on one or more Sundays during the year to celebrate a special blessing, an important date, or the life of a dear departed loved one. To help defer the cost of the flowers, the church requests a $50 donation from the sponsoring family. The family’s dedication will then appear in that week’s Sunday bulletin so that the whole church family can share in the special observance.
Parishioners may also wish to sponsor the poinsettias that decorate the church at Christmas and the lilies that are displayed at Eastertide. Prior to the start of the Advent season, we use fresh greenery to design the lovely “Advent wreath” on a beautiful brass stand.
We could really use new members! God delights when His family joyfully serves Him in ministry, and maybe the flower guild is that ministry for you. If you love flowers and enjoy working with them, please consider this your personal invitation. If you feel inadequate or intimidated, please know that experience is not required! You can shadow a more experienced member until you feel comfortable. God blesses our efforts, imperfect though they may be.